Watch my interview with Growth Strategist, Jessica Roubitchek ! [video]

I really enjoyed having Jessica come to the VIP Group for Empowered Women of Chicago for an interview on LIVE WITH LIZ about “Growing a business that lasts: The role of community in sustainable success!”

We had a fabulous time chatting about:

💗 how Jessica got started as a Growth Strategist 

💗 the importance of building community within a small business

💗 creating cohesive business plans with tactics that work

💗 business partnerships and collaborations for your target market

...and lots more!

If you’re wanting to know how to grow your business by building deeply loyal customer bases with clear, actionable, and supported strategies, be sure to watch the full interview with Jessica with the button link below and feel free to reach out to her at MBA Confidante!

Interview Auto-Generated Transcript:

okay guys good morning Liz Hansen here

let me know if you can see me and hear

me um the interesting thing is I think

you can see me but not

Jessica um which is unfortunate we've

had a little bit of a technical glitch

but the great thing is you still be able

to hear Jessica right say hi Jessica

good morning everyone Thanks for tuning

in and we are going to be posting the

video of Jessica so that you can see and

hear her in a little bit we're so glad

that she's here thanks for coming

Jessica thanks for joining morning thank

you so much for having me Liz so this

live with Liz series the whole point of

this is to um highlight local empowered

women and to hear about how we as women

can fulfill our missions in life and to

reach our goals so we're excited to have

Jessica here to talk about the

importance of community in building a

business so first off Jessica just tell

us a little bit about what it is that

you do and how you got started doing it

absolutely so right now I am a

sustainable growth strategist for small

businesses I help them create business

plans that incorporate multiple tactics

to ensure that they have a cohesive

comprehensive roadmap for marketing

their businesses and connecting with

their communities um the way that I got

started on I love that you work with

small businesses yes that is my passion

so it's so interesting I run a small

business and sometimes I run into this

problem where the solution that I want

or need is for bigger businesses yes or

for someone even tinier than me like

just getting started like finding people

who want to work with businesses who are

like up and running but aren't huge is

sometimes like a weird black hole I've

noticed it can be because sometimes the

smaller B businesses don't have the

budgets that people are after but I

prefer it because I really like

connecting with people that are

ambitious and have a plan but they just

need some help getting it into action um

you I don't really want to work with big

boards or have to pitch a bunch of

people I I I kind of know where I'm

going and I know where I want to take

someone and if I have one person's Buy

in that's great we're ready to roll so

small businesses are my sweet spot so

you help small businesses build

community work on their marketing and

basically get more clients get more

business get more absolutely yes awesome

how you I'm sorry R how did you get into

this line of work so because I was a

small business owner so my background is

in marketing um I've got you know I've

got the degrees on the wall in marketing

but what really taught me how to do what

I'm doing is that I owned two small

businesses for a combined total of about

15 years um the business that everybody

or if you if you know of any of my

businesses the one you probably know is

purple monkey playroom I ran that for 12

years founded it um and sold it this

past July and um I you know I did all of

my own marketing I did all of my own

strategizing and um um after I was doing

it for about three years people started

finding me um just you know on the

internet and saying um you know I see

what you're doing and I want to do what

you do can you teach me and so I learned

how to how to teach people what I was

doing and sort of refine my methods and

um when I ended up selling the business

I decided this is what I wanted to do

full-time that's great so tell us take

us back a little bit tell us about the

purple playroom tell us what it was and

tell us how you used Community to Market

your business absolutely so Purple

Monkey playroom is a um drop in play

space and birthday party venue in the

Bucktown neighborhood of Chicago right

on the border of Logan Square um and

right away I just sort of understood

that it part of my role of being in a in

a small tight-knit neighborhood was to

contribute to that neighborhood and to

the neighborhood surrounding it so we

did everything from you know any school

and even outside the neighborhood too

any school

any nonprofit that asked for our

assistance you know I couldn't

necessarily give cash to anybody but I

could give away playtime and so we would

give gift certificates to every auction

every raffle um for schools right in the

neighborhood for the handful I would

host playdates for their parents um for

parents to get to know one another to

help build community we did street fairs

for a bunch of schools we would bring

our staff out or I was on site a lot of

times doing glitter tattoos twos so

really visible in the community doing

things that were easily Within Reach for

us that really helped you know move the

needle for a lot of the fundraising that

needed to be done I love that I love

small businesses that understand they

are part of their community that they're

in and want to

bring bring their business to the

community and the community to their

business it's such like a a good give

and take right it's so important because

a sustainable business doesn't just

extract value from a Community it

reinvests and um you know it should feel

organic and it should feel good but also

people see that and they want to support

you in turn for sure and I think so

often people want to support small

businesses over big corporations but

they don't always know how or when or

that's right available but as soon as

you are in the community like you said

doing glitter tattoos you're on all the

school auctions like people you become

top of Mind in the community you become

top of mind and people like oh I know

her let's you know they they think of

you as a friend my friend has this

business let's support this or let's go

to this one so trust Factor exactly it's

a give and take and it's it's wonderful

when it's done

correctly so talk to me a little bit

about building this marketing business

that you have now tell us the name of it

how you founded it and what were some of

the challenges in getting this new

business venture started absolutely so

the name of my new company is MBA conf

Confidant and it's sort of a play on the

fact that I have the degree but you know

I want to dive in with you I want to

work side by side with you and kind of

be your Confidant and getting what

you're doing um either off the ground or

moving forward in the way that you

envision um but just need a little bit

of help with um and I'm only seven

months in so I even though I've been

Consulting for a really long time my

clientele has always found me they

always knew exactly what they wanted

from me and they just told me this is

what I need and then I said okay well

this is we're going to do and now the

challenge is communicating what I do to

people um and figuring out how I can

help individuals so I know what I'm

capable of but um not everybody's needs

fit into a into a neat little box so

creating packages but also being able to

tell people you know this is what I've

got on my website but we can work on

something completely different if this

doesn't fill the need so it's basically

like if I'm a small business owner and I

wish I could talk to an MBA about what I

need I can call you Jessica you can call

me I would love to talk to you okay so

you're we helping people with marketing

Strate for people who are watching this

and don't really know the difference

what's the difference between marketing

and strategy I hear you say those words

those sound like MBA words can you

explain a little bit what that means

sorry to use MBA words okay so I

actually want to um between a strategy

and a tactic so when people say well

I've tried marketing and it doesn't work

I'll say okay what have you done and

they'll say well I've posted to

Instagram a couple times and nobody pays

attention Okay so Instagram is a is a

tactic and it can be a really powerful

part of an overall strategy are you

connecting with your community are you

utilizing brand ambassadors are you um

providing incentives for your clients

there are all sorts of components that

go into a a well-rounded strategy I call

my strategies holistic marketing

strategies because they don't just

Encompass One Touch point they Encompass

the entire um sort of ecosystem of what

you can be doing and then you know of

course when I'm working with small

business owners you are one person and

you're usually doing all of that work

it's one person in One budget and so

it's prioritizing you know which tactics

and in what order and um you know how

that's going to look six months from now

a year from now three years from

now yeah I mean I'm a small business

owner myself and I have everything

you're saying resonates in the sense

that you cannot just do like one little

thing and be like it didn't work it's so

you know like right your word out

getting people to know you like you and

trust you is a


multimon many touch Point project right

yes and it's it's a long-term process

too so yes you will see the needle

moving but it's not a get-rich quick

type thing it's marketing is is for the

long term it's an investment yeah so

like when you were running Purple Monkey

playroom um talk to me a little bit

about about that so you you would you

wouldn't just do one street fair and be

like we should be booked for the whole

year you wouldn't just give out tattoos

and think that right like talk to me a

little bit more about that I mean I

tried I I tried anything that ever came

to mind in terms of marketing tactics

and what was so great is that you know I

wasn't reporting to a board or anything

like that and so I just threw the

spaghetti in the wall at the wall and

you know whatever stock stuck um so

street fairs I wouldn't say that I got

business from them that was just giving

back but there's a lot of visibility

like oh my gosh um I've never heard of

purple monkey and I live apparently

right around the corner we have to stop

in or oh I met you at the Street Fest um

you know that that you just you you make

friends with people people see you at

the grocery store they know who you are

they trust sending their care givers

with their children to your place or

they think of you for a birthday party

but more than that um I invested very

early in a lot of digital marketing I

was running Google ads I was running

Facebook ads this is before I mean I

started it before even anyone was doing

anything on Instagram um and I wasn't

afraid to just throw a couple dollars in

and see and see what worked um I spent

money on Yelp but I also did a lot of

clever promotions and Partnerships

Partnerships were absolutely huge in

building my business business and small

businesses if you're not utilizing

Partnerships and collaborations you're

just missing out on um a huge way to

build trust credibility access warm

audiences and do it for very little

money what does that look like what does

a what does a bus Business Partnership

look like I'd love to hear you talk more

about that yeah so I mean there's a

couple different ways um that you can

partner and collaborate so I think of

Partnerships as something that's a

little bit long term so for example um

we partnered with some Nanny agencies um

pre pandemic uh for drop off care so um

we worked with chime and sitter city um

so I would I would think of that as a

partnership um whereas collaborations I

anybody and everybody that I met who had

a touch point with the same audience

that I had or was trying to reach so um

my first partnership ever was with uh

Katherine mchenry's building blocks toy

store um

I'm trying to think what we did off the

bat I think she had some of her toys on

my shelves and then also I gave her gift

certificates really nice looking gift

certificates um card stock um which

looked like um building blocks was

giving a gift to their um to their uh

customers and she would put them in gift

bags that she did around the holidays or

around some of her promotions um so

that's just one example of a really

successful collaboration if a parent or

a caregiver is shopping for a toy they

might also want drop in care and a

birthday party at Purple Monkey right so

it's the same correct it's all the same

people same people so if you're

listening to this and you're a small

business owner I would love for you to

think about like where are your people

also shopping where are your people also

hanging out and can you reach them there

as well I'm guessing Jessica that an NBA

Confidant that's the kind of question

you'd be asking a small business owner

absolutely and identifying it for them

because sometimes people just you know

they get stuck and so I'll do the Deep

dive we'll figure out who their target

market is but really Beyond you know who

they think it is so yes parents um are

are are clients of purple monkey for

example but what kind of parents where

do they live where do they shop what do

they do what do they value um so I'll

look at what the what Their audience is

and then figure out you know based on

the values of the people that they're

trying to reach and the and the um the

objectives and the dream Dre of people

they're trying to reach where are these

people how do we find them and how do we

connect with the people that have a

touch point with them you said earlier

that you sometimes have people say to

you like well I've tried marketing and

it doesn't work like what what does I I

hear that a lot too um what do you think

is really behind that do you think it's

that people haven't tried enough things

or given it enough time or people just

don't realize the magnitude of Labor

required to Market a small business like

what does that mean to you when someone

says I've tried marketing and it didn't

work I think it's anxiety around time

and money because um if you're not

looking at it as an investment you're

looking at it as an expense and people

always want to know what is the ROI on

this and I just listened to a

presentation yesterday it was a

brilliant presentation on how Roi is

incredibly difficult to measure when

you're talking about marketing because

there are so many touch points before

the final sale that it's really hard to

figure out what was the Tipping Point

and what were the big um the big things

along the way that that really moved the

needle and so you have to be willing to

to give marketing a chance to work again

you know we're so used to instant

gratification and marketing is an

instant gratification and not everything

can be measured U measurement is

important but sometimes you just have to

take a leap um and trust that these are

are methods that do work and can work

for you I abs abolutely agree with what

you're saying I I have had so um I'm in

like a lot of groups where I talk with

other photographers about running a

business because I'm a photographer and

I run a small business and they'll say

like well I dumped $500 into this and I

didn't get a booking or I I I spent the

or I went to this show or I I printed up

these gift certificates and I didn't get

any bookings but what what I think

people small business owners need to to

look at is that you're playing the long

game you're playing the long game you

make some cont so we'll plan down the

road I have people all the time who tell

me listen I thought about doing a bwire

photo shoot two years ago when I first

heard about you but I didn't book

because I was scared but then I saw this

video and then my friend told me this

and then I downloaded this ebook you

wrote and then I finally decided to do

it this year and it it sometimes takes a

while for people to feel that sense of

connection with you before they finally

give you money and purchase that's right

and the technical term for that is the

sales funnel so you know you start

people at the top of the funnel and it's

just that exposure point that you have

to carry them through the funnel until

they trust you until they're ready and

that does not happen in a day it doesn't

happen in a month um you know even if

you spend $500 on something worthwhile

you might not see the return on that

$500 for a year um so there is that

trust element that you know that makes

people nervous and and rightly so when

you're a small business every dollar is

important and I've been there A lot of

times so I do understand it but I also

know the power of what can happen if you

um if you're willing to take some risks

you have to be willing to take some

risks for the return and those um things

that you invest in they start

compounding on each other that is right

yes it's the holistic

strategy yeah so you do the one thing at

the top of the funnel and you think well

it didn't do anything but then if you do

five things at the top of the funnel

those five things will work together

more than just if you had just done one

correct that's absolutely right yeah um

I spoke with somebody the other day who

has a problem that I think could be very

neatly solved by some um digital

marketing um Google ads in particular

and um she said you know my partner

would never spend money on that kind of

thing and I don't try to talk people

into things that they're not comfortable

with um that's not my job my job is to

just present the the information but my

immediate thought is that your partner

doesn't understand that this is an

investment that um you know the money is

going to be put in to come out five

times 10 times 15 times larger if it's

done correctly yes and it might not be

tomorrow but it might be in five months

yeah correct and and that's the thing

with marketing you have to keep doing it

so that six because six months down the

road every day moves it moves with you

right right right and marketing should

be baked into what you do it should be

baked into your overall business

strategy which is also hard for people

to grasp if they don't really understand

what the word marketing means

um so it's you know it's an education

process too how do you help business

owners understand the difference between

working in their business and working on

their business so for example when you

were working at the purple monkey

playroom were you also were you

providing child

care and and doing marketing at the same

time like how do you do both so uh so we

never provided Child Care um so the way

that it works is it's a drop inpl place

so parents and caregivers come with

their kids and they stay on site so

they're watching the kids when we did

some drop off care we had a a sitter

agency there and the sitters watched the

kids so um it when I was on site which

was most of the time in the first I

would say six years um I was running the

business from the behind the counter

while greeting clients so you know I'd

open the door for people I'd make

conversation and then we'd hit a l at

nap time and I would just power in and

um you know the greatest impetus for me

to work on my marketing was an empty

space if I wasn't you know filled to

capacity one day and I started to get

anxious my immediate question was okay

what do I need to do to to get the word

out who do I need to reach and some of

my best ideas you know came during those

moments of anxiety of like gotta get

people in the door what do I do

necessity is the mother of invention

yeah exactly mother of invention love it

and I'm guessing that business owners

who come to you for MBA Confidant are

also feeling that necessity that need

they're either feeling that need because

they've gotten started and you know at

first things are are great because your

friends and your family support you as

they should but your friends and your

family are not your long-term clients

right if you don't have a strategy

Beyond friends and family um you you

need you need one um so I get those

people that are six months in eight

months in and they're like I mean we're

doing okay but I I need more PE like I

need more people through the door um so

get those clients and I love to help

them because they're still very

optimistic about the potential of their

business they just know that now is time

to bring all the ideas together um with

a little bit of help and they know that

um you know they're they're ready to

trust that this process can work for

them the other type of client that I

work with are people that have a vision

of starting something you know really

making a new playbook I'm working with

three different women right now who are

trying to build businesses around

Community people are so lonely right now

and they see that and they want to use

their skill set to build communities in

different ways and so I'm actually

helping them with business planning um

with the marketing baked in I love that

you strike me Jessica as someone that

really enjoys being a small business

owner I love it what what about it I've

always known that I was gonna own my own

business I didn't know what it was gonna

be but even when I was just out of

college um I mean I did my MBA one of my

concentration was in entrepreneurship I

just knew that I wanted to be able to

take my ideas and run with them I wanted

control of my schedule um I just didn't

love the culture of working for other

people and in the roles that I was in

where I had bosses that sort of saw what

I was capable of I was given some birth

to do it that's where I thrived um so it

was always with a mind to to go going

out on my own I don't think I thought

that I would end up owning a kid's

playpl um but I uh situation

circumstances came together and that's

that that was how I started on the road

and then um Consulting strategizing that

just that was just the most natural

thing it was the most natural next step

for me I have to say if you talked to me

10 years ago I wouldn't have thought

that I would be taking budoir sexy

photos either so you know life takes

some interesting um twists and turns

along the way it does so when people say

what's your fiveyear plan I really don't

like that question because my five years

out has never looked how I thought it

would five years before yeah I can come

up with something but it's probably not

going to resemble the reality that we

end up

right um if you could talk to a big

group of business owners which you

actually are right now what are just a

few like uh tips or advice or what words

of encouragement what would you say to

people right now if they're running a


business don't give up on it you're

probably either just getting started um

or you know if if you're not just

getting started and you're struggling

think about investing in some outside

advice it's really really difficult to

figure out where to put your dollars um

you know when they're limited because

you're new or when they're limited

because things aren't going as they

should but sometimes just talking to

somebody with an outside perspective who

can see things that you can't is

it's an Irreplaceable thing to do I mean

um you you just you're so close to your

offer uh we all have blind spots so um

you know reach out um it doesn't have to

be to a marketing expert it could be it

could be anything an HR

expert um there are lots of people that

that have good ideas about how to make

your small business

Thrive I love that if I some of the best

things I did for my business is when I

hired people to help me and sometimes it

felt like can I spend this much money to

for this person to help me but then it

like you said it's an investment an

investment business and when you invest

in yourself and when you invest in your

business it's always a good idea yes

there have been things that I invested

in that didn't pay off necessarily on my

balance sheet in dollars but they paid

off in knowledge and confidence myself

and that to me is invaluable so correct

um Jessica this has been a really good

conversation I feel like could talk to

you all day um about I feel the same way

business um we have to wrap up but

before we do I ask everyone on this uh

live with Liz series to tell me what

does it mean to you to be an empowered

woman in today's

world yeah I think what it means is the

confidence to lead your life with

intention and not

obligation and it's owning your

decisions without seeking unnecessary

permission um while still valuing

collaboration and respect in


and that's hard to do I'm not always

perfect at being empowered all of the

time um especially when you're a mom and

you know you have a family and you

necessarily have to put people before

yourself but I think that's the

goal okay one more time it's living your

life with intention instead of

obligation that hit me like a ton of

bricks right I think a lot of times as

women we do a lot of things out of

obligation and not 100%

and again so you know if if you're if

you're living your life out of

obligation maybe you have small children

right you can't always be empowered all

of the time there are many times when I

have to

choose the needs of my family over my

giant hopes and dreams but I think the

goal is to not deprioritize yourself

unnecessarily to keep your eye on what

you want and what you need and um to

allow that to

evolve I love that I love that well

Jessica thank you so much for joining us

today we are going to leave Jessica's

information in the comments and as well

I see uh if you have questions or

comments Jessica's going to come in and

see th see those as well I'm also going

to repost this interview with Jessica's

beautiful face I'm sorry we had a little

bit of glitch with the video I hope you

were able to hear her but we will post

the recording and send that out so you

guys can all hear about it if you want

to learn more about MBA Confidant she's

going to leave some information for you

if you're small business owner you've

been wanting to grow this would be a

great way to get

started so thank you so much Liz yeah

we're so glad to have you I love this

community thank you everyone for

participating today and for joining us

and I hope you have a great Friday and a

great weekend

Liz HansenComment